In Passing, Nella Larsen suggest through the word “mother,” that motherhood hinders Irene’s ability to be with Clare, which is important because it shows how…

This particular part of the book, you can see Harriet’s contempt for colonizers. Throughout the book, she talks about the two types of Jamaicas: the…

The letter Clare receives while in France with Bobby, talks about the mourning of death. 167 woman were burned up in a fire for no…

After traveling through Europe and finding her way back to Jamaica she realized that she is where she needs to be. Reconnecting with not only…

According to Keith A. Erekson’s article, Losing Lincoln: A Call to Commemorative Action, he states Lincoln’s problems and achievements as president. Erekson also mentions how several…

Manhattan is the most popular boroughs in New York. It is known that anyone who lives in certain parts of Manhattan (especially in the…

The creation of telephones has changed the world completely. Now, people do not have to depend too much writing letters in order to communicate with…

Harriet has taken the time to educate herself not only on traditional medicinal practices and medical schooling but also in the ways of her people….