Irene’s boys are her foundation and she loves them enough to protect them rom the dangers of hat th world has to offer. As a…

After Lizzie’s awful sin of adultery, she returns home to her maid who tells Lizzie that her husband Charles was not home. This took Lizzie…

Manhattan was swamp land for a long time before Madison Square was created it was a hunting ground crossed by Cedar Creek and was soon…

Wharton has the capacity to take a person on a voyage and make it your own. Wharton’s graphic detail makes you put yourself in the…

The Drayton hotel which is actually the Drake Hotel in Chicago is located at the top of the Magnificent Mile. The Drake Hotel was…

Lizzie and her partner in crime Henry Prest parted ways after the fire. Henry went uptown, while Lizzie went downtown, this is a true separation…

The first climactic moment in Wharton’s novella happens at the beginning, “She was bad … always, They used to meet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel”. …