Kitty’s dream was a foreboding of what would come of Clare’s life, symbolizing her identity struggles and the difficult choices she may have to make….

Ruination is the process of the land reclaiming itself, after it’s original has been altered or changed by the hands of man it returns back…

The letter Clare receives while in France with Bobby, talks about the mourning of death. 167 woman were burned up in a fire for no…

After traveling through Europe and finding her way back to Jamaica she realized that she is where she needs to be. Reconnecting with not only…

Harriet has taken the time to educate herself not only on traditional medicinal practices and medical schooling but also in the ways of her people….

Brass Ornament depicting Ogun wielding a sword and Shield Ogun is the Yoruba deity, or Orisha, of ironwork and strength. He is called on to…

This brings us back to the idea of ruination, the land reclaiming what was once was. As the conflict ensues at the end of the…

The term “obeah” goes by many names such as Voo-doo, Santeria, Voudun, and many more. Those that practice these beliefs used herbal magic and communed…

Dreams play a large role in the folklore and spiritual belief s of those from Caribbean descent, they have the capability to not only of…