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The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. “The last shift.” The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1808.
“He came into the room again and I watched him in the glass. My handbag was on the table. He took it up and put some money into it. Before he did it he looked towards me but he thought I couldn’t see him” (38)
This statement shows that after Walter visited Anna at her home, he secretly placed money with her handbag despite asking her if she wanted the money or not. Walter tried to give the money in her pursue without saying although Anna noticed what he was doing. Although Anna confronted Walter about this, Walter agrees not to her money this time, but he continues to her money through the course of their relationship.
In Judith Flanders historical article, “Prostitution,” she explains the prostitution was shown in England during the 17-19 century. Although the name prostitution was not developed at the time, they describe women who were a prostitute to be women that had sex with a man without being married or a woman who would have an illegitimate child with a gentleman. Although in Jean Rhys novel, “Voyage in the Dark,” Anna saw her relationship with Walter to be neutral feeling on love despite the thought of Walter giving her money. Readers could display Anna as a prostitute yet she was not willing to take Walter’s money he just put in her handbag. Initially, Anna’s goals were not to get a man when she first came to England. Even when Walter appeared in her life, she did not seem interested in him until she began talking to him. In addition, Anna’s feeling for Walter started to grow when her friend Maudie mentioned Walter was wealthy. Maudie could tell by reading the letter that Walter sent to Anna and inviting her out to a fancy club. These were the gestures that Walter did to capture Anna’s heart until he started using his money to replace the nice things he would do for her.