
This Youtube video depicts the history of hotels dating back to biblical times. Hotels were created as a place to welcome those who have traveled from near and far. Those working in the hotels are extremely hospitable catering to their guests every need. The hotel industry did not start off as structured and organized as it is today. In the beginning, hotels were nothing more than private homes, with welcoming people, who allowed strangers into their spare rooms.

In Jacques Levy-Bonvin article, Hotels| A Brief History, he notes the order in which hotels were created and by which civilizations:

-the Greeks developed thermal baths for those who needed resting and to regain strength after a long trip

– the Romans later built mansions to accommodate those on  businesses trips

– the Romans built mansions for those on government business.

– Monasteries and abbeys offer refuge to travelers on a regular basis

Over time, hotels combined all of the accommodations mentioned above and became the destination for hospitality. As the industry grew, there became a need for order and law; fifteen century France made it a law to keep a register of all who stayed at hotels, as time progressed, this law spread all across Europe. During the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, the hotel industry blossomed, spreading all over Europe and America; mainly in New York.

The Fifth Avenue Hotel was not only a luxury but it was also the first hotel to offer several services other hotels didn’t or couldn’t. The lift services which aids guests in carrying their heavy luggage was first offered within this hotel. The first elevator was installed within this hotel as well which boosted their hospitality levels far beyond any other hotels. The Fifth Avenue Hotels was all around historical and a monumental step in the hospitality realm.

With a hotel with such stature, Wharton brings upon it the catastrophe of affairs and the issue of feminism, two issues which also existed from the beginning of time.



Levy- Bonvin, Jacques Hotels| A Brief History Hospitality net 15 December 2003