his wife was crying
Rezia was crying because it tooks a lot out of her to deal with septimus’s sickness. It was a challenge because she wanted a good relationship with her husband. She was a happy character that enjoyed her life until she had to deal with the concerns of her husband septimus. She even went as far as wondering if it would be better is septimus was dead. Overall Rezia was lonely and feel like she is left in the dark. It becomes even more depressing when septimu’s illness brought him to the point of commiting suicide. This was a tragedy for Rezia. Rezia and septimus are the only two characters seen to be in a happy relationship in this novel at points of the story. She really cares for her husband septmius and want hims to be well. Rezia took Septimus to the doctor to get some help such as some psychological counseling sincerely hoping he would be happy again. When septimus kills himself it truly destroy any hope of rezia being happy again. She was left crying. it was true love they had, she left where she was from to come home to septimus and live with him. There were some limitations rezia faced becaue due to septimus’s anxiety, there were times he wanted to be isolated of there were times where his flash backs really interfered with him emotionally. All of these factors were hurtful to his wife Rezia because she felt pushed away when she had only good intentions for him and with him. Rezia did not get the happy ending she deserved. Instead she got tragedy.