
Title: Institute for Adult Education, DeWitt Clinton. “Contemporary Foreign Problems” Women at desks. desks. Date Created: 1934 Identifier: mac_0434
Throughout the novel, Sara has a desire to attain an education to become a school teacher. Instead of adhering to the cultural norms of education, Sara has a few outburst instances where she critiques the American education system in a progressive manner. According to the article Education as Liberation: The Case of Anzia Yezierska’s Bread Givers by Chip Rhodes, he states “Sara’s words echo the the Progressive critique of the traditional approach to education. Like the Progressives, Sara thinks education should be brought into alignment with the day -to-day social lives of citizens living in a modernized, cooperative society.” (Rhodes 297). From this quotation, we can understand why Sara views the education with such passion. In fact, the suggestion or argument can be made that Sara outburst are her challenging the norms of education. She takes her studies seriously because it is the only way she can feel liberated from the pressures of the old world. Additionally, Sara does not have anyone in her life that shares the sentiments as she does. She uses her education as a way to combat and question the social imperatives of the society she lives in. One may Sara is showing defiance but in fact she is only showing her curious nature as a student. Furthermore, her efforts to become a teacher shows that she has the power to have a progressive mindset
Bibliographic Information:
Audiopedia, The, director. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 2 Apr. 2017,
“MEDIA INFORMATION.” Search Results: All Fields Similar to ‘Plumb+Beach’ – NYC Municipal Archives,
Rhodes, Chip. “Education as Liberation: The Case of Anzia Yezierska’s ‘Bread Givers.’” Science & Society, vol. 57, no. 3, 1993, pp. 294–312. JSTOR, JSTOR,